Hello! My name is Evey (pronounced like the Pokemon). My research interest lies at the intersection of HCI, AI, and education. I use design research methods to design and build mixed-initiative human-AI systems that can support coaching and learning in real-world, ill-defined domains like design education and entrepreneurship.
I am currently a 4th year PhD student in Technology and Social Behavior (TSB), a joint program between Computer Science and Communication at Northwestern University. I am advised by Dr. Liz Gerber and Dr. Matt Easterday and a member of the Delta Lab. Prior to grad school, I worked with Dr. Juho Kim at Kixlab, KAIST for one year as a research intern. I received my bacholors degree from UC Berkeley where I worked in the Hybrid Ecologies Lab with Dr. Sarah Sterman and Dr. Eric Paulos.
Outside of research, I spend my free time on photography (both digital and analog), tennis, doodling, music, and cooking.
You can contact me at eveyhuang@u.northwestern.edu
Apr 23-28 2023 | Hamburg, Germany | I will be attending CHI this week to attend a workshop on supporting learning in informal learning environments.
Oct 22-25 2022 | Evanston, USA | Attended the Lambert Conference on the Future of Human-Computer Interaction + Design and organized a poster session to showcase research from Northwestern community.